Useful Links
SNAP is a parent-led support agency for families of disabled children and young people in Bexley, and provides a wide range of services to both children and their parents and carers.
A registered charity whose purpose is to provide information, support and breaks for carers
The Network links groups and organisations that support families that include an adult with a learning disability. Their key objective is to work together to promote better life chances for families that include someone with a learning disability
The leading UK charity for people with autism (including Asperger syndrome) and their families. They provide information, support and pioneering services, and campaign for a better world for people with autism.
The Bexley Branch of the Down’s Syndrome Association is a service for residents of Bexley and their families to seek help, support, advice or friendship or share experiences with other parents of children with Down’s Syndrome.
Provides services to people over the age of 18 with moderate to severe learning disabilities living in Bexley.
Provides services to people over the age of 18 with moderate to severe learning disabilities living in Bexley.
Bexley Twofold is Bexley Council’s supported employment project for adults with a learning disability who wish to take up paid employment.
This is a voluntary group made up of Bexley Borough Parents of children with special or additional needs. The ages of the children and young people they represent are between 0 and 21.
Bexley Moorings provide effective support for vulnerable young people aged 8-17 who are experiencing a crisis or on-going problems, which can include material or emotional deprivation, physical, emotional or sexual abuse, social isolation, bullying, or the effects of dysfunctional family life. They may have a caring role within the family to a parent or sibling with disability or life illness.
Advocacy for All is a registered charity working in and around South East London
They advocate for people with a learning disability and other groups to make their voice heard.
This is a website for people who support disabled young people in transition to adulthood. The aim of this website is to provide information about the transition process that will be useful to professionals and parents/carers. There is also a section for young people that talks about the transition process.
If you need help with healthcare, finding a job, or a new home. Or if you’re looking to make new friends, take up a hobby, or have a holiday, then Hft can help. Hft are a national charity, providing local support services for people with learning disabilities.
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation exists to demonstrate that individuals with severe learning disabilities who are described as having challenging behaviour can enjoy normal life opportunities when their behaviour is properly understood and they receive appropriate individualised support.
Our online disability forum is a vibrant and supportive space for disabled people, parents and carers to get disability advice and information, and talk to people with similar experiences.
We would like to thank Gregor Cresnar for some of the icons used throughout.