Ten Pin Bowling Night a Striking Success

Bexley Mencap’s recent Ten Pin Bowling night raised an incredible £1,086 to support our work locally, including supporting members through our Healthy Lifestyles programme which supports local people with a learning disability to access social and sports activities, encouraging greater access and inclusion and reducing isolation.

Over 80 members, family members and friends as well as local businesse and charities, staff and trustees met up for a fun filled social evening together with a bit of friendly competition.

The overall individual winner with the highest score was Thomas, with an average score of 117 over two games.

Bexley Mencap, member, Sam said; ‘I enjoyed meeting my friends but also chatting to people I don’t usually get a chance to see very often.’

Another member, Adrian agreed saying: ‘It was a great evening and I have made two new friends from other Bexley Mencap groups.’

A carer also said; ‘Usually, I drop my daughter off to one of Bexley Mencap’s many groups and it’s a chance to get on and do other things for a change. But this time it was so nice to be part of the evening and see her with all her friends being so happy and having a great time.’

The event was supported by L&Q Housing Association and their supplier New Green Property Maintenance. https://www.everbritecleaning.co.uk/

If you would like to join future Bexley Mencap events, including a games night, marathon challenge, or run your own event in aid of us please get in touch.   You can also join our mailing list to receive updates through our monthly e-newsletter at the bottom of the page.

