Postcode Lottery awards £50,000 to Bexley Mencap!

We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded £50,000 by the Postcode Community Trust thanks to a Millionaire Street winner close by!

This award comes at a crucial time for us and not only underscores the vital role that we play in the community but also shows the impact our work has on local people.  

The £50,000 grant will help us to expand our services and reach more people in need. We have been at the forefront of providing essential support and services to people with learning disabilities and autism, making sure that they have access to the opportunities and support they deserve.

Kara Lee, our Chief Executive, expressed her excitement and gratitude upon hearing the news. “This award is a very welcome surprise and we were thrilled to receive the call! It will make a big difference to us and the people who we support. As the demand for support continues to grow, we have been working tirelessly to expand our services, and this grant will help us achieve our goals” she said.

Bexley Mencap has been a pillar of support in the community for more than 50 years, offering a wide range of services that cater to the unique needs of each person. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to create a supportive and inclusive environment, making sure that everyone has access to opportunities that promote their well-being and independence.

The grant will be used to expand existing services and introduce new activities aimed at improving the quality of life for people with learning disabilities and autism. This includes running a range of social and wellbeing activities, support services that empower people to live fulfilling and independent lives as well as vital support for parents and carers.

Watch to find out how we used our last grant in 2019