Bexley Mencap’s Walking Group

Bexley Mencap’s Walking Group.

It’s great; we get to walk in the park and talk about anything that interests us.’ So says Chris, a member of Bexley Mencap’s weekly Walking Group. The group meets every Wednesday in Danson Park and is open to anyone who fancies a leisurely hour long stroll. ‘Each week we take different routes so it’s never the same,’ says Feras.

‘In the summer, we pick blackberries and play mini golf so there’s always something to do,’ says Nick, who leads the group along with fellow Bexley Mencap support worker, Neil. As well as admiring the many attractions of the park, there’s also a practical side to the sessions.

‘Members have joined other Bexley Mencap groups through learning more about it on the walk’, adds Neil.  Indeed, members often share their own activities during the walk; what they have been up to inside and outside of Bexley Mencap – so it’s a good way to pass on information about what’s going on locally.

Martin likes the group because it gets him out of the house and Terry says ‘everyone is friendly and we have a bit of a chat.’ The health and wellbeing benefits of taking time to walk in green open spaces have been well documented in many studies over the years, and the walking group is no different and has its own story.

Chris says he went to his GP Surgery for his annual health check and was advised that his cholesterol levels were high. He was referred to the walking group as a way of getting regular exercise instead of taking tablets. Social contact is also important. ‘It’s a nice way of getting out to meet other people similar to me,’ he says.

At first, he felt tired in the late afternoon but since he says been walking every week his body has got used to more activity. It also means he needs less support around the house and is more independent.

He likes walking around the park because ‘there’s always something going on and so much to see.’ During the walks around the lake, the group has spotted a rare black swan and sometimes members take photos of plants, birds, trees; anything of interest to them.

Since joining the walking group, Chris says he feels he has more energy for other activities and has made new friends. And back to those health benefits. ‘Now, I have to do up an extra notch on my belt,’ he says, referring to his weight loss since joining the group.

Two of the members of the group live in supported living. Diane, the house Manager, says. ‘The walking group is brilliant and provides light physical exercise whilst giving participants the chance to make new friends. It also helps improve communication skills with other group members and helps to improve focus and the ability to listen.’

‘Over the last four years, the group has got to know a lot of other park users and we sometimes stop to have a quick chat and catch up so it’s all very friendly,’ says Nick

The walking group goes out in all weathers – if it’s raining just bring a brolly! It now has ten regular members with ages ranging from 25 – 70 and is also supported by a volunteer, Richard, who is an athletics coach.

If you want to join one of our groups or help as a volunteer phone 020 83036336 or email:
